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Tue, 22 Oct. 2024


Statement  from the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Tajikistan to the trade union organizations of the republic on the occasion of April 28 - World Day for Safety at Work

Statement from the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Tajikistan to the trade union organizations of the republic on the occasion of April 28 - World Day for Safety at Work

Trade unions in Tajikistan say that, at the initiative of the International Labor Organization, April 28 is celebrated annually as World Day for Safety at Work.

   In accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan “On Trade Unions”, the Charter of Trade Unions, public control of labor protection and safety is assigned to trade unions.

   In this direction, along with the existence of rights and obligations in the sector, ensuring labor protection and safety is the task of trade unions.

   In order to establish propaganda work and public control of labor protection, 2023 was declared the “Year of Labor Safety” and the Federation and its organizations organized and carried out events at the republican and international level, which contributed to increasing the level of knowledge of workers and preventing accidents and industrial incidents.

   In particular, representatives of trade unions of Tajikistan, within the framework of the events of the Council of Trade Unions of Central Asian States, took part in the regional competition “Best Collective Agreement” in the category of labor protection and the Trade Unions of the Nurek Hydroelectric Power Plant, showing good professional skills, were recognized as one of the best in the field of public control of labor protection and safety.

   The Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Tajikistan appeals to organizations, primary trade union organizations, district, city and regional, together with government authorities, to take measures in a mobilization campaign to improve working conditions in production, also ensure safety requirements at each workplace, within the framework of their statutory powers.

   An analysis of activities in 2023 showed that labor safety inspectors of the Federation registered 23 industrial accidents, as a result of which 55 workers received various injuries, 15 of whom died. The number of workers who worked in unfavorable conditions last year amounted to 1,384 people. The occurrence of industrial accidents is increasing compared to previous years.

   Therefore, we need to solve the following tasks in the area of ​​labor control and safety:

 - improving professional skills and legal education of workers and employers on compliance with labor protection and safety at work;

 - attracting the attention of the parties to labor relations to the problems of labor protection, prevention of industrial injuries and occupational diseases;

 - providing workers with personal protective equipment

 - creation of necessary conditions for labor, household, and industrial safety in the production process;

 - strengthening preventive and preventive work in the field of labor protection;

- increasing the responsibility of the administration of organizations and institutions, enterprises, entrepreneurs and their trade union organizations related to issues of labor protection and work safety.

   The Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Tajikistan calls on trade union organizations to continue specific initiatives to establish a broad discussion of labor protection issues in labor collectives, government bodies, and enterprise administrations, strengthening, and agitation and propaganda work in the media, especially in the industry newspapers “Hamrayi” and “Ittifok”. ", "Koshonai Umed", "Khomii omuzgor", on the website and in social networks, conducting inspections and training seminars at enterprises on the topic "Occupational Safety Day".

    The Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Tajikistan hopes that activities to improve the productivity of labor protection at work will be strengthened and strengthened, and will contribute to the efficient and safe work of workers.

    Federation of Independent Trade Unions Tajikistan

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