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Tue, 22 Oct. 2024


History of trade unions in the region

The history of trade unions comes from the pages of the history of the people and the nation. Trade unions in the region cover various historical stages.

    The first trade union organizations were created in 1917-1925, mainly in the Fergana Valley - the cities of Khujand, Kanibadam, Dushanbe, Ura-Tube, as well as in Gissar.

    The first trade union committee of workers and employees of the Khujand railway station was organized in the city of Khujand. It was organized in March 1917. In 1917, all committees of factories and factories in northern Tajikistan were transformed into primary trade union organizations of the mining industry and united into a single union of miners.

     The organization of the Tajik Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic at the end of 1924 and the holding of the first all-Tajik congress of trade unions in April 1926 are the most important stages in the history of the trade union movement in Tajikistan.

     With the organization of the Khojent district, at the first inter-union congress of trade unions, which took place on May 5, 1927, the bureau of the trade union district of the Khojent district was organized, uniting 15 unions with 6115 members.

     In the spring of 1929, the Khujand district became part of the Tajik Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, where the Khujand Trade Union Council united 20 sectoral trade unions with their 17,044 members. Its largest organizations were the Trade Unions of Railway Workers, Weavers and Miners.

    On October 27, 1939, the Leninabad region was organized.

In 1948, by the decision of the 19th Plenum of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, republican, regional, city committees and inter-union district trade union bodies were organized.

     At the first inter-union conference of trade unions of the Leninabad region, which took place on August 28-29, 1950, a decision was made to organize the Council of Trade Unions of the region. At that time, the Trade Union Council united 50,000 members.

     At the first organizational Plenum of the Council of Trade Unions of the region on August 25, 1950, a native of the city of Khujand, Otaev Akhmadjon, was elected the first chairman of the Council of Trade Unions of the Leninabad Region.

From May 21, 1958 to June 24, 1959, Makhmud Otaboev worked as chairman of the Council of Trade Unions of the Leninabad Region.

     After the liquidation of the Leninabad region in May 1959, by the decision of the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Council of Trade Unions and the Republican Council of Trade Unions of Tajikistan, the Council of Trade Unions of the Leninabad Region was liquidated and trade union organizations of cities and districts directly became subordinate to the Republican Council of Trade Unions of Tajikistan.

     In 1971, the Leninabad region was organized again, and in connection with this, the need arose to organize the Council of Trade Unions of the Leninabad region.

Based on the decision of the Presidium of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of January 22, 1971 (Minutes No. 1, paragraph 11), the proposal of the Council of Trade Unions of Tajikistan to organize the Council of Trade Unions of the Leninabad Region was accepted.

     On May 22, 1971, by decision of the V regional inter-union conference, the Council of Trade Unions of the Leninabad Region was again organized. Akhmadov Numon Burkhonovich was elected chairman of the Council of Trade Unions of the Leninabad Region. He served in this position until November 10, 1983.

The number of union members in 1971 was 194,540.

     Based on the decision of the VIII Plenum of the Council of Trade Unions of the Leninabad (Sughd) Region dated November 10, 1983, No. 8 Pochoev Mukhiddin Abdukudusovich was elected Chairman of the Council of Trade Unions of the Leninabad Region. He held this position until February 8, 1991, then until December 3, 1992 he was chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Leninabad Region.

     From December 3, 1992 to May 2015, the chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions of the region was Zokirov Saidboy.

    On May 14, 2015, based on the decision of the 18th inter-union conference of trade unions of the Sughd region, the Federation of Trade Unions of the Sughd Region was transformed into the Council of Trade Unions of the Sughd Region and Gafurov Tohir Sharifovich was elected chairman of the Council of Trade Unions of the Sughd Region, who worked in this position until September 2017.

In September 2017, at an extraordinary Plenum of the Trade Union Council of the Sughd Region, Abdullozoda Sharifullo Bobojon was elected Chairman of the Trade Union Council of the Sughd Region.

    The Council of Trade Unions of the Sughd Region includes 13 sectoral committees. The number of primary trade union organizations is 2,656 units, and the number of their members is 231,655 people.

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